Gifted & Talented After School Classes
Youth / Youth Enrichment -
Winter-Spring 2025
The purpose of these classes is to offer extension and enrichment experiences that cannot be provided during the school day.
G/T after School Class Descriptions
Puzzles and Brain Games Gr. 2-5
This class is designed to teach perseverance and many higher level skills used in all areas of study. Through the use of computers and more traditional games and puzzles, the student learns strategies to solve puzzles and develop advanced problem solving skills, while having fun in the process! Both girls and boys will enjoy this class.
LEGO WeDo Mini-Bots Gr. K-3Â
Students work at their own pace, alone or in teams, to learn simple engineering and science concepts through the use of LEGO robotic kits and computer software. Flexible curriculum allows students to take this class multiple times and still have new experiences. Both girls and boys will enjoy this class.
LEGO Robotics Engineering Gr. 4-5Â
Students work at their own pace, alone or in teams, to learn additional engineering and science concepts through the use of more advanced LEGO robotic kits and computer software. Flexible curriculum allows students to take this class multiple times and still have new experiences, while advancing their skills. Both girls and boys will enjoy this class.
LEGO Robotics Independent Inventors Gr. 6-8Â
Students work at their own pace, alone or in teams, to learn robotics engineering and science concepts through the use of a variety of LEGO robotic kits and computer software. Flexible curriculum allows students to take this class multiple times and still have new experiences, while advancing their skills. This course is designed especially for students who have had at least 2 previous class experiences and want to get creative and build unique robotic devices with multiple kits. Both girls and boys will enjoy this class.
Online registration is over
No Class Feb 13
Online registration is over
No Class Jan 20, Jan 27 & Feb 17
Online registration is over
No Class Feb 18 & Feb 25
Online registration is over